Teacher Book Recommendations
The Original Seat Sack Company would like to congratulate Sylvana Spence and her daughter Isabella on their recent book writing adventure. We wish them the very best as we watch their new book soar into the world of reading!
Bella the Scientist Goes to Outer Space
by Sylvana Spence
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!Bella and Vicky are two sisters with a love for science. Wanting to learn more about the different types of scientists, they start their journey learning about astronomers. Their friend Cody, the iPad, takes them on an adventure through the stars to discover new facts about their solar system and the scientists who study it.
Together with Bella and Vicky, young readers will visit planets, asteroid belts, and more. After returning safely from space, readers can continue their adventure by following along with hands-on experiments and activities at the back of the book.
Silvana Spence is originally from Brazil. She is an author, mom, and educator who resides in Jacksonville Florida with her two daughters. Victoria is portrayed as a character and Isabella is the co-author of this book. Silvana holds a bachelor's degree in early childhood education- ESOL Endorsed and a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
Silvana and Isabella joined forces to motivate children to love literacy and science while being represented. This duo developed STEM boxes and different resources to engage children to learn through hands on experiences. Kids can write their own stories; they just need to believe it and have the right support.
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You can follow Silvana Spence on her Instagram page: @MrsS4Success