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Read-n-Go Book Bag

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Perfect for take-home reading, summer programs, and more, the durable Read-n-Go® book baggie keeps students' materials safe and secure. Features a clear view front panel and name card sleeve, this spacious, reusable bag is built to last.


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Students will love to take reading home with the functional, reusable Read-n-Go® book baggie. It is designed to help transition library and classroom books from home to school. You can be confident that books and assignments will make it from school to home and back in one piece with the Read-n-Go book bag by Seat Sack. This practical bag features a "clear view" front panel so parents and teachers can easily see the bag contents, including reading logs or notes home. You can also keep books, folders, flash cards, math games, and homework together for students to transport back and forth to school.

This reading book bag is Ideal for use in book buddy programs for kindergarten through third grade. It’s also sturdy and can easily help students and teachers stay organized in class. During independent work time, teachers can hang bags for students to quickly and easily retrieve and put away their materials. 

These book pouches are also perfect for younger kids as an alternative to backpacks that are often too large. They are ideal for take-home reading, summer reading programs, math games, show-and-tell bags, and more.

School nurses find this bag perfect for labeling and storing student medications. It hangs perfectly in medicine dispenser cabinets, allowing visual identification of contents and clear visibility of dispensing instructions and times. The name card on the outside makes it easy to identify each student's bag.

It is made of durable poly/cotton laminated material. The book and homework pouch measures 10.5"W x 16"H (including handle) with a 2" diameter gusset to hold more books and folders. The sides are double-stitched with non-rip seams. Each book bag includes a sturdy, stitched-on handle for carrying, a hook for hanging, and a clear pocket for name tags. These bags are durable and can be reused year after year.

Save when you purchase our book pouches in a Bundle of 10 or a Classroom Pack of 25.